19 abr 2017

Venezuela: Strange Object Over Caracas

Venezuelan researcher Héctor Escalante has posted the following image online. "April 19th, government and opposition forces are marching in the streets of Caracas," he writes. "A very tense moment. Meanwhile, something strange flies across the skies of the Venezuelan capital."

A surveillance drone of some sort, or a bona-fide UFO? Theologian and author Salvador Freixedo always cautioned us that non-human intelligences obtained a form of noursihment from the energy put forth by large human concentrations, whether on the battlefield, the sporting arena or the streets of a city on the verge of riot.

(All photo credit (c) 2017 Héctor Escalante)
via Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology http://ift.tt/GCRz8J

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