15 sept 2014

An Unlikely New Cancer Cure...From Cat Poop!

Scientists have discovered that a parasite normally found in cat faeces could help them to formulate a cancer-fighting vaccine.

Though Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii), a single-celled parasite, is happiest when hanging out in a cat’s intestines, it can live in any warm blooded animal and affects about one-third of the world’s population, including 60 million Americans. Most people have no symptoms, but some experience a flu-like illness, particularly those with suppressed immune systems who can develop a serious infection if they encounter T. gondii. Pregnant women are also advised to take extra care not to come into contact with the bacteria as it can threaten the health of unborn babies and cause miscarriage, still birth or birth defects.

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via unknowncountry http://ift.tt/11SbyTl

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